We have been fortunate this season to have had many visitors. My parents visited in February, Liz's parents came in January and then her dad, Wendall, came back again a few weeks ago to help me with completing a bunch of the boat projects. My sister and her family came down in March and then they came back without the kids but with a collection of their friends for a Mexican holiday. Liz's sister and brother came with their children at the some time for a mini family reunion. Busy times but lots of fun.
They love fireworks in Mexico. My sister's son spouting fire outside one of our favourite restaurants in town. |
My sister and her husband Chris after a daysail. |
Surfing at Punta de Mita with Sarah and Chris |
While my parents were here we had a renaming ceremony for "Trickle" the sailing dingy. Here the kids (Fluenta and Kenta Anae) are on the first row on the recently renamed vessel. |
Granny and Grandpa Shaw visiting. |
Can't have a sailing blog without a sunset picture (although it is actually a sunrise picture ...) |
Johnathan successfully completing his yellow belt test in Karate (in Spanish of course) |
A few extra crew: A day sail with an extra 11 people - thanks to Shindig and all the others who lent us enough PFD's. |
Fluenta at Paradise Village Marina where family was staying at the resort. |
Cousins |
And more mandatory family photos |
Captain Ron (aka Brother-in-law Ron) helping me set up the beautiful sextant my father-in-law has loaned us. |
A daysail with two babies and lots of children. |
Aerial Silks |
Baby Benjamin was not lacking in attention. Here Nancy from Shindig was holding him for us. |
However, Benjamin has seemed reluctant to take on his fair share of the maintenance duties. |
And more wonderful meals on Kenta Anae. Thanks Merle and Allison. |
Grammy with Benjamin |
And meanwhile, I worked on the boat. Note the big hammer ! |
Benjamin needed a bit of surgery so we drove up to Guadalajara. A picture of our hotel.
The pyramids outside Guadalajara. |
Lots of babies on boats ...Rebel Heart, Sea Raven, Adamaster, Betti and Fluenta mums. |
Benjamin's amazing doctors. |
Taking my little sister sailing. |
Cousins ! |
Awesome photos Max. I thoroughly enjoyed paging through them all.