
Sunday, 20 October 2019

Fluenta and Crew are in Canada !

This afternoon Fluenta and crew tied up at the Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club marking our return to Canada.  After many hours of motoring in Alaska we quite appropriately were able to sail again as we blasted across the border with winds approaching 30 kts.

Victoria raising the "Q" flag for the last time for a likely a long time.

In the continued series of "not in the tropics' photos ...
A few swells as you can see looking at the fishing boat passing us.  The sun did shine for a few moments.

And yes, we have lots of Alaska blog posts to catch up on ... eventually ...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. A few miles to go and rather out of the normal season but getting closer

  2. Welcome Home!! What perfect conditions for a downwind dash across Dixon Entrance... Well done Fluenta crew!

    1. Thanks Bill and thank you for all of your and Donna's help.


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