
Monday 6 November 2017

Whales !

On our way across the lagoon on our way to Ilot Amedee, Victoria thought she spotted waves breaking on a reef.  According to the charts (the incredibly accurate charts as compared to the rest of the South Pacific) there was not supposed to be a reef there.  It turned out to be the humpback waves we had hoped to see !

We tried to keep our distance but a mum and calf surfaced half a boat length from us.  Too surprised to get a photo.  Good practice for our intended trip to Tonga next season.

Different marine life ...  These guys blasted by us after seeming to having trouble deciding whether to pass behind or ahead of us.  We were the 'give-way' vessel but hard to do much at 6 kts when the 'give-way' vessel is doing 20 kts and maneuvering all over the place.

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